Directions to Rochester, MN
Here's a quick map of important places once you're in Rochester. Click on the link below and it will explain what's what.
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The map also has a cool feature called "Bird's eye" view that lets you get uncomfortably close sort of like Google Earth.
Directions from Minneapolis to Rochester
Take 52 South to Civic Center Drive exit. Head East towards downtown. Take a right on Broadway. The Radisson will be a few blocks down on your left, the Hilton across the street on the right side. Drive time: approximately 1.5 hours.
Directions from Kansas City to Rochester
Take I-35 North towards Des Moines. After you've passed the MN border you will take I-90 East towards La Crosse. You'll be on I-90 for about 50 miles, then you'll take 63 North towards Rochester. Drive time: approximately 6.25 hours.
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The map also has a cool feature called "Bird's eye" view that lets you get uncomfortably close sort of like Google Earth.
Directions from Minneapolis to Rochester
Take 52 South to Civic Center Drive exit. Head East towards downtown. Take a right on Broadway. The Radisson will be a few blocks down on your left, the Hilton across the street on the right side. Drive time: approximately 1.5 hours.
Directions from Kansas City to Rochester
Take I-35 North towards Des Moines. After you've passed the MN border you will take I-90 East towards La Crosse. You'll be on I-90 for about 50 miles, then you'll take 63 North towards Rochester. Drive time: approximately 6.25 hours.