I Heart Meg - The Engagement Blog

Two American kids growing up in the heartland

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Engagement FAQ

Q: When are you getting married?
A: We've been engaged for 36 hours now. We've done a tremendous amount of planning in that time period. Please save the date of February 31, 2009. Consider this your formal invitation. We'll meet you there.

Q: How far along is she?
A: Dear naysayers and ne'er-do-wells, how dare you.

There are only six shopping days until Holiday. You'd better get moving.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Fellowship of the Ring

Photographic Evidence

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It's On! Don't Ask If We Set a Date Yet

It all went down last night(Friday) at Nye's Polonaise Room. Nye's was the setting of our first date. One side of the place has a piano bar featuring Sweet Lou Snider. The other side features Ruth Adams and the World's Most Dangerous Polka Band. Seeing them never ceases to amuse me and frighted me just a little bit. Since it's December in Minnesota and we both hate winter I figured that getting engaged in a scenic locale was out of the question for now. Since I couldn't do scenic I thought that I would go for sentimental.

I enlisted the assistance of our friends Jen and Beach to get Meg to Nye's on Friday night. I thought that if I were to ask Meg to go there that she may become suspicious. I wanted everything to be a surprise so I had Jen ask Meg earlier in the week if she want to go out for a drink on Friday night. I had Jen steer Meg towards Nye's. Meg told me where we were going and I said, "that's cool."

Meanwhile I was finishing up the last week of classes for my MBA program this semester while also trying to pick out the right ring, and scout out Nye's.

Friday morning Meg told me in no uncertain terms that she was tired and didn't wanted to go out that night. I was somehow able to convince her to go using my ultra smooth player style.

I reserved one of the gold glitter vinyl corner booths at Nye's for the life changing experience. Beach and Jen were already there when we arrived. I had them pick up three long stem red roses and conceal them in a poster tube located next to the booth. When we approached the half full point on our drinks Beach and Jen were directed to excuse themselves for a powder room break. This left Meg and me along so I could turn on the charm. I told her it was Present For Meg Day and that I had a number of presents for her. At this point she still didn’t suspect anything because Present for Meg Day normally means a gift of a cupcake from a local bakery or a shampoo sample for the Sunday paper.

I unwrapped the first present Superman style. Meg thought I was just wearing my standard business casual work clothes with a fleece jacket. I pulled off the fleece to reveal the Superman costume – white shirt, tie, and suit jacket. Then for presents 2-4 unwrapped the roses. Rose 1 (present 2) was for the past – our first date was a Nye’s. Rose 2 (present 3) was for the present. Rose 3 (present 4) was for the future. I think when I said the word “future” Meg was finally starting to catch on.

Then I pulled out a fancy ring from my pocket and said that this is also for the future. I kneeled and asked her to marry me. She said yes! She said that it all seemed so surreal. She couldn’t remember if she said yes. She said yes again just to be sure. Beach and Jen came back a couple of minutes later and we celebrated with more cocktails. My cousin Andy Powers showed up later and we had more fun. Angie our waitress comped us a Polish style apple dessert because she rules.

Good times all the time!